Bessemer Hostel Bad Apples

These criminals have robbed, assaulted and vandalized author Chad Kister and his hostel, and the Athens County Sheriffs have done nothing about it.

1) William Black:

William Black stayed at the Bessemer Hostel and signed a form promissing that he would never enter Chad Kister’s first floor personal habitation (see the form at  Here is a video of him robbing Chad Kister!  Call the Athens County Sheriff’s office (740-593-6633) and ask why they have not arrested William Black.  Record calls and post those recordings to the internet and email them to

2) Tim Sheals: Tim Sheals kicked down the door between the second and first floor: from the hostel to Chad Kister’s personal habitation.  He also broke a window, damaged an oven and was a menace to other guests.  He also stole and broke building materials.  Chad Kister called the sheriffs at midnight after Tim Sheals kicked down his door.  Athens County Sheriff Deputy Rodney Smith said “why don’t you just sit down and talk to him,” instead of arresting him.  Tim Sheals has emailed numerous times threatening Kister if he does not remove Tim’s name from Kister’s websites (see

3) Athens County Sheriff Pat Kelly:  Pat Kelly campaigned to stop drug dealing in Athens County.  Meanwhile, his stepson was convicted of drug dealing while he was living at Pat Kelly’s house.  Pat Kelly has sent sheriff goons that kicked down Kister’s doors and falsely arrested him several times.  Kister has won three lawsuits against police agencies, including the Athens County Sheriffs.

       Pat Kelly also plead guilty after being charged with perjury.  Pat Kelly was indicted by a grand jury for 25 criminal offenses after an investigation by the Ohio Attorney General for embezzlement, theft in office, misuse of funds, assault and other crimes.  Twenty three of those indictments were felonies.  He was convicted of 18 felonies, and sentenced to 7 year in prison on March 20, 2015.

Pat Kelly called the hand dug ponds teaming with life on Chad Kister’s property “fox holes” in an interview with the Athens Messenger.  Pat Kelly is a paranoid lunatic who belongs behind bars.

4) John (Joe) Bowen and LeeAnn Bowen:  They are terrorists and a menace.  They turned up the thermostat to 86 degrees, stomped and slammed doors, claimed that the hostel was acting in an illegal way when Owner Chad Kister has hired numerous lawyers who have studied and approved all of his documents and actions, John Bowen threatened to break Chad Kister’s neck several times, they smoked in the house, did laundry without getting permission (theft) and much more.  

John Bowen assaulted Chad Kister on December 18, 2013.  John Bowen said to Chad Kister “I am going to kill you in your sleep.”  John Bowen also kidnapped Chad Kister, and physically threatened him dozens of other times, as well as grabbing and throwing his keys.  These are among the worst people I have ever known, and among the most evil and sadistic, and nobody should let them stay in their establishment.  John and LeeAnn Bowen left doors and windows open then complained about it being cold.  They also adjusted the thermostat to 86 degrees after being told dozens of times not to, and even after Chad Kister put up a large note above it reading “do not touch thermostat.”  John Bowen also admitted to lying after admitting to turning off the outside lights at night.  A large note was and is above the light switch reading “Do not turn off lights at night.”  They also refused to leave after being ordered to, instead they physically attacked Chad Kister.

5) Con Artist Terrorists:  Quite a number of corporate lawyers with the oil industry and coal industry, as well as government lawyers have tried to con permissions to steal from very low income Author Chad Kister.  These lawyer terrorists then get gag orders or national security letters to get whatever they want without any due process of law, or compensation to Chad Kister.

        Local Sheriffs are paid or forced by these terrorists to gain access to the first floor of the Plaintiffs house to delete evidence of the government and competitor terrorist activity.

     Author Chad Kister makes it abundantly clear with signs, fences, gates and at this website and through numerous other means, and in the forms that everyone on the property must sign, that anyone except Chad Kister with the intention of entering the first floor of the house, which is not part of the hostel, is permanently banned from the property.

         But lawyer goons continue to try to con permission to enter, which is theft by deception, a felony, as well as an act of terrorism and other crimes.  What demonic beasts would want to harm the owner of one of the lowest cost lodging establishments in the United States.  Chad Kister will destroy them for all time (using legal means of course).  Normal travelers needn’t worry as the boundaries are very obvious to the common person, and to enter the first floor would require extraordinary technical skill as well as being obvious breaking and entering.

         Another tactic by the government criminals is to say that because Chad Kister can enter the hostel, that guests get to enter Chad Kister’s first floor habitation.  This demented logic would close down any lodging establishment.  They try to make it look like a private room is on the first floor, where only Chad Kister is allowed.  People are choosing to share rooms by staying at the hostel, which by definition is a shared living environment, while Chad Kister is very clear that he is the only person allowed in his first floor primary personal habitation.

6) Competitor from caller ID 740-415-6350 at 9:25 a.m. Saturday, May 3, 2014 threatens Author Chad Kister: Here is the Audio Clip.

7) Rins Jean Batiste (from Akron, Ohio): Here is an audio clip of him admitting to burning down my house while I was trying to get them to do their dishes.  Note that he was motioning to my house, while we were in the kitchen, with both hands, when he clearly said that he would burn it down.

8) Tarun Mehta:  He made two large gouges in the historic hardwood floors of the hostel, smashed holes in the bathroom sink, left the hostel outside doors all wide open during 30 degree temperatures, lied in a review, and came to the hostel at 3:10 a.m. during a planned AEP power outage with the intention of robbing from very low income disabled Author Chad Kister.  Photo 1     Photo 2

10) Athens County 911 dispatchers constantly keep calling criminal issues civil issues, and refuse to prosecute those causing damage to Chad Kister’s historic property.  On march 11, 2016, Chad Kister called the dispatchers to report permanent damage to his historic floors.  Here is the conversation showing Dispatcher #2462’s dereliction of duty.  Chad Kister demands that she and every one of the sheriffs and other dispatchers be arrested for dereliction of duty and other crimes.

11) Mary Goins:  She is a domestic terrorist who committed perjury from Columbus Ohio.  She is a goon from the Department of Mental Health who relishes the power to get back at people she hates with lies and false accusations.  She will be held accountable, and go to prison.

12) State Trooper Morehead from Jackson County, Ohio.  He committed police brutality, dereliction of duty and false arrest.  He is a domestic terrorist who will be be going to prison.

13) Cassandra and Matthew Copus (4540 Bessemer Rd.):  They have been harassing Chad Kister’s customers and slandering him.  Here are two reports from the Athens County Sheriffs about how Matthew Copus exposed himself and committed sexual acts outdoors in front of his children, and assaulted his children and his wife, and admitted to cheating on her.  Their children recently came onto Chad Kister’s property and refused to go home because they said their Mom was going psycho.  Kister let them stay and called the sheriffs.  Report 1     Report 2

14) Theresa O’Reilly:  She broke tile pieces right in the middle of the bathroom floor and left her dog in her car in the hot sun on a hot June day.  Photo of broken tile.

Dispatchers Audio clip

Theft from the hostel:

         In addition to the thefts mentioned above, someone stole a black comforter from Chad Kister, and two of Chad Kister’s computers have been stolen from the hostel.  Sheriffs blocked one guest from leaving to return one of the computers.

All of the Bad Apples mentioned on this page are permanently banned from the property.

To attack a low income lodging establishment is the most heinous of crimes, and those named and the others need put in prison, as does thousands of corrupt US police and other officials, like FBI agents, etc. who are in dereliction of duty for not prosecuting the aforementioned terrorists that I, Chad Kister, a very low income disabled person, am the victim of.